Thursday, May 28, 2009

Utilizing Technology in Teaching

After learning and experimenting with several types of technology, I know there are several I would like to incorporate in my classroom preparation or teaching. I definitely will utilize Doc Sharing and many of the things it offers. I love the presentation setup with notes right there with the presentation. I definitely will use this when I work with other educators in professional development or presentations at conferences I attend. The forms, spreadsheets, etc. are handy as well, and the fact that I can send among department members or colleagues in other states for review is great.

I like widgets. I had no clue what they were before, but they can liven up whatever it is you are doing or provide, in my case, quick access to YouTube for something I want students to watch.

What I'm still struggling with, but definitely want to use, is the podcasting. For my students struggling with timing or remembering routines, I can provide the music and cuing for them to use on their own time for practice. My more advanced students can improve their cuing by listening and practicing. My ESL students can be provided with test questions that they could listen to as many times as necessary so that instead of failing exams because their language skills are poor, they could take the time they need to understand what is being asked.

In classes where I have a few students needing specialized testing or a make-up exam, the podcast would be excellent to give the verbal instructions and even questions so that I can focus on the larger group, but still have the few individuals are well taken care of.

While I can bring up YouTube videos, I am anxious to add the video portion to the podcasting. It has a lot of possibilities and while I like for my dance students to aim high, most are no where near that level seen on YouTube, nor does it necessarily focus on what I am trying to teach. However, particular footwork with music and verbal instructions could be shown so that one student having difficulty with a step could go review on his own and repeat and repeat until he has it down. Watching a skill and repeating can be utilized with any activity, not just dance.

Additionally, students can watch themselves and do self-assessments of their skills. Set up a rubric and verbally on the video podcast ask if certain things are occurring.


  1. There are so many possibilities for you as a dance teacher and you brought up a lot of great ones. You might even want to expand to videocasts where you can video students doing the dances correctly and use that to help struggling students instead of just the podcasts (audio). I know I can now vido students doing correct skills, such as throwing a ball or dribbling a soccer ball and use it to present to my classes during the appropriate lesson. There are so many ways to take all that Web 2.0 has at hand for us to use to help our profession!

  2. Great ideas, Barbara!! Having the kids check the dances out and practice them - wow!! The possibilities really are endless! It is very exciting to add new elements to teaching existing units - especially ones that I have taught for years! Last year I thought that we were moving in fast forward when we purchased an ipod for dance and step aerobic units! Only 10 years ago we were teaching with a record player!!!
